my words

<< current

This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

Tuesday, June 04, 2002  
Well, there are some big things happening in my life these days. First and foremost: I have moved! From beautiful Townsend, MA to the seaside city of Beverly, MA. My appartment is cute and clean and still fairly empty. Slowly, but surely I am making it habitable :)

In other news, Peter and I went to Filene's tonight to start our bridal registry. YIKES! what an ordeal. It might not have been so bad except that we were accosted by the CHINA NAZI. That's right, folks. The China Nazi. This woman, probably noticing the complete lack of style in Peter and I {from the way that we were dressed} and decided to attach herself to us. She made us try china and crystal and flatware out on this tiny table... and she would take away the stuff we liked and replace it with other stuff. AHHH! She was quite overbearing and opinionated, but I have to concede that she did have some nice stylistic advice for us.

All in all, after an hour we had only registered for the formal china. NOTHING ELSE! we need to go back when she's not working :)

Sleep sweet, all. I'm off to get my beauty sleep!

6/04/2002 09:41:00 PM

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