my words

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This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002  
got to see my gramma Q today. All by myself. It is so rare that she and I are in a room together without anyone else. We just sat around for a while and chated. It was very nice.

2/12/2002 08:09:00 PM

Monday, February 11, 2002  
wanna hear a funny story? this morning I was pulled over by an officer of the Tyngsboro Police Department. "Speeding?" you ask. "Why, No." I quickly reply. As it turns out, the rental car that I have been driving for over a month does not have an inspection sticker on the lower right hand corner of the winshield. He was the first police officer that decided it was worth pulling me over because of it. huh.

Oh well. no ticket, no fines. just a little rapid heartbeat and frustration on my way to work. boo!

2/11/2002 04:37:00 PM

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