my words

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This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

Saturday, November 03, 2001  
happy Saturday! I was in southern Mass this morning and it was raining cats and dogs out...but here in Woburn now it is nice and sunny :)

Peter and I have been doing a little messing around with this site and we seem to have fixed the silly 'narrowing' problem...and I have also installed BlogBack... So, feel free to leave me a message or two. I'd love to know who else reads this!

11/03/2001 03:02:00 PM

Friday, November 02, 2001  
It's Friday! And here I am in my pj's already playing on the computer with the highlight of my night being that we're having mini pizzas on English Muffins for dinner... woohoo!

11/02/2001 06:31:00 PM

Thursday, November 01, 2001  
How much do I love 4th graders?! At work today I was shadowing a program that leaves the Tsongas Center and goes out to schools to present information about the Industrial Revolution. It's called "Farm to Factory" and the kids seemed to love it. I had a great time too. I think that this is really why I wanted to get into the museum scene. This idea of bringing the museum to the schools and working directly with the kids really appeals to me. It brings history alive so much more than text books do.

11/01/2001 04:26:00 PM

Wednesday, October 31, 2001  
Alrighty. This is a message to the like 3 people who might read this blog and have any knowledge of it. If you scroll down my blog you will notice that the posts get gradually narrower and narrower as you go down the page. WHY? How do i fix it? Any suggestions would be mucho apreciated!

10/31/2001 09:35:00 PM

For those of you who are curious... Peter and I saw They Might Be Giants last night. I had a great time. It was loud, smokey, crowded and tons of fun. The nightclub life isn't really our scene, but we managed :)

10/31/2001 05:31:00 PM

Monday, October 29, 2001  
A typical Monday... Full of it's ups and downs...

1. I have a sore hurts. {a down}

2. I got to work in the Weave Room {an up}

3. My senior year Yearbook came in the mail! {yay!}

4. My Mass Teacher Exam results came in the mail {boo!}

5. I'm already in my pj's {you make the call}

6. The water table is a bit to low up here on the hill and our house has very little water That means no showers and washing hair in the kitchen sink. {very oldfashioned, but still a down}

In other news... I had a wonderful weekend with my Peter. And I don't have to wait a week to see him again...Tomorrow we are going to see They Might Be Giants :)

10/29/2001 06:00:00 PM

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